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International Resources 

In this section, you can find resources about childhood obesity produced by international organisations outside of the traditional commercial or academic publishing (e.g. all levels of government, business and industry). 

Issuing of an evidence review to the Nutrition-Friendly Schools Initiative (NFSI)


Alimentos y bebidas ultraprocesados en América Latina: tendencias, efecto sobre la obesidad e implicaciones para las políticas públicas


Alimentos y bebidas ultraprocesados en América Latina: ventas, fuentes, perfiles de nutrientes e implicaciones normativas


Alimentación Infantil y Obesidad


Maulnutrición en niños y niñas en Ámerica Latina y el Caribe

Comisión Económica para Ámerica Latina y el Caribe

Obesidad: una cuestión de derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes. Recomendaciones de Políticas para su Protección


Sobrepeso y Obesidad en Niños y Adolescentes. Orientaciones para su prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento en Atención Primaria de la Salud

Ministerio de Salud

Aprobación de nueva ley de alimentos en chile: resumen del proceso. Entrada de vigor junio 2016


Manual de etiquetado nutricional de alimento

Ministerio de Salud

Campaña come sano

FAO para América Latina y el Caribe

Manual de advertencias publicitarias del reglamento de la ley no. 30021, ley de promoción de la alimentación saludable para niños, niñas y adolescentes.

Ministerio de Salud

Final Report of the Comission on Ending Childhood Obesity


Population-based Approaches to Childhood Obesity Prevention


Prioritizing areas for action in the field of population-based prevention of childhood obesity: a set of tools for Member States to determine and identify priority areas for action


Population-based prevention strategies for childhood obesity: report of a WHO forum and technical meeting, Geneva, 15–17 December 2009.


School policy framework : implementation of the WHO global strategy on diet, physical activity and health


Prevalence of overweight among children and adolescents, BMI > +1 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%)


Prevalence of obesity among children and adolescents, BMI > +2 standard deviations above the median (crude estimate) (%)


Insufficiently active (crude estimate)


Guideline: Sugars intake for adults and children


Protecting Children's Rights to a Healthy Food Environment

UNICEF, United Nations Human Rights Special Procedures

Estrategia Mundial para la Alimentación del Lactante y del Niño Pequeño


Nutrient Profile Model



Public Health England

OBEMAT 2.0 Programa para el tratamiento de la obesidad infantil. Fichas de Material Motivacional y Educativo

Luque V, Feliu A, Escribano J, Ferré N, Flores G, et al.

A Guide for Health Profesionals. Assisting Parents and Guardians in communicating with their children about body weight

Safefood, Healthy Ireland

Plan de Acción para la Prevención de la Obesidad en la Niñez y la Adolescencia


Let's taltk about weight: A step-by-step guide to conversations about weight management with children and families for health and care professionals

Public Health England, Oxford University

How to Talk to Kids about Weight and Obesity

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Tips for Ordening Takeout or Delivery

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Dietary Guideliness and MyPlate

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

Weight Bias & Stigma

RUDD Center for Food Policy & Obesity

How to Taltk to Your Child about Weight Bias

RUDD Center for Food Policy & Obesity

Childhood Obesity is a Chronic Disease Demanding Specific Health Care- a Position Statement from the Childhood Obesity Task Force of the European Association Study of Obesity

The European Association for the Study of Obesity

Practical Guide for the Parents of Overweight Children

The European Association for the Study of Obesity

Helping your child: Tips for Parents and Other Caregivers

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Weigh In: Talking to your children about weight and health

The STOP Obesity Alliance & Alliance for a Healthier Generation


American Academy of Pediatrics

Tips to Help Children Maintain a Healthy Weight

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Screen Time vs. Lean time

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Childhood Obesity Facts

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Defining Childhood Obesity

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Childhood Obesity Causes and Consequences

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans 2nd edition

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

ChooseMyPlate-Print materials


ChooseMyPlate- Children


2019 year in review, Translating Evidence in Practice

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Policy Opportunities Tool

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Resources: Professional Education

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Resources: Clinical supports

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Resources: Parents and patients

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Expert Committee Recommendations Regarding the Prevention, Assessment, and Treatment of Child and Adolescent Overweight and Obesity: Summary Report

AAP- Institute for Healthy Childhood Weight

Childhood overweight and obesity

American College of Sports Medicine

Physical Activity in Children and Adolescents

American College of Sports Medicine

Sobrepeso y Obesidad (Para Padres)


Cómo mantener las porciones bajo control


Obesity Update 2017

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Childhood Obesity

National Jewish Health

Health Canada's healthy eating strategy

Government of Canada
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